Thursday, July 30, 2015

Repurpose an Old Drawer into a Puppet Theater for the Kids!

I had a few spare minutes today so I popped into a vintage/junk shop that I frequent in Healdsburg, CA. I spotted this adorable puppet theater that had been made from a drawer. Isn't it cute??

I'm going to start keeping my eye out for an old drawer so I can make one for the little kids when they come to visit. This would be simple to make. All you'd need to do is cut out the window, paint it and add a curtain to the inside. The curtain is just gathered onto a piece of wire and hung in the upper inside of the drawer. Adorable!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

A Happy Sewing Basket!

About a year ago I found a sad, old sewing basket at Goodwill. I wish I had taken a "before" picture, but I didn't. I can tell you with absolute certainty that this basket is MUCH happier now!

It's got lots of fabric strawberry pincushions to perk it up now, along with a sweet little bird with beaded wings..

Black Tomatoes?

Have you ever seen black tomatoes?? Well, yesterday I did. My husband and I took a drive out to the coast and along the way we decided to stop in Guerneville for lunch. While we were walking to the restaurant I spotted this tomato plant growing in someone's yard. There were a few other tomato plants keeping it company, but one stood out. I've never seen anything like it!

I wonder how they taste...

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Treehorn Books in Santa Rosa, CA

Are you a book lover? I certainly am!

Treehorn Books in Santa Rosa, CA is one of my favorite book stores. It's a book lovers paradise with isles of books stacked to the ceiling. Most of them are used, which I think makes it even better. 

While there today I snapped a couple of pictures of some of the vintage books that they had on the shelves..

I exercised extreme self-discipline today and didn't buy anything. Although I'm all about supporting local small businesses, I'm also trying hard to stick to my monthly budget. So alas, no books today for me. I hope you had a nice weekend!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Wild Hare...

This sweet bunny was just sitting in the driveway this morning. I was headed up to a client's home in Healdsburg CA. I turned into the drive and there were two rabbits, but one of them ran into the olive grove. This one lingered long enough for me to take it's picture.

I love those ears!!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Vintage Figurine Tassels

A while back I found some cute figurines at a vintage store that I frequent in Healdsburg, CA.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, but I knew I had to get them while the getting was good!! About a year later, they've been transformed into these cute tassels!

A sweet, little Christmas Angel:

And Marie Antoinette and her pal Louis XVI:

I used a very small drill bit designed for ceramic to drill indentations into the back of Louis and Marie's heads. It made just enough of space for me to embed the string tie with some E6000 glue. I was able to drill all the way through the Christmas angels head, so I threaded the tie in though the opening at the bottom of the figurine. The drilling was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I made the tassels out of small strips of cotton fabrics which were then rolled together into a piece of masking tape. I stuffed them into the bottom of the figurines and glued them into place.

I just love how they turned out!